GFR-2017: Advertised Tender Enquiry
Advertised Tender Enquiry
Rule161 Advertised Tender
Subject to exceptions incorporated under
Rule154, 155,162 and 166, invitation to tenders by advertisement should be used
for procurement of goods of estimated value of Rs. 25 lakhs (Rupees Twenty Five
Lakh) and above. Advertisement in such cases should be given on Central Public
Procurement Portal (CPPP) at and on GeM. An organisation
having its own website should also publish all its advertised tender enquiries
on the website.
The organisation should also post the
complete bidding document in its website and on CPPP to enable prospective
bidders to make use of the document by downloading from the web site.
The advertisements for invitation of
tenders should give the complete web address from where the bidding documents
can be downloaded.
[Global Tender Enquiry (GTE):
(a) Where the Ministry or Department feels
that the goods of the required quality, specifications etc., may not be
available in the country and it is necessary to also look for suitable
competitive offers from abroad, the Ministry or Department may send copies of
the tender notice to the Indian Embassies abroad as well as to the Foreign
Embassies in India. The selection of embassies will depend on the possibility
of availability of the required goods in such countries. In such cases
e-procurement as per Rule 160 may not be insisted.
(b) No Global Tender Enquiry (GTE),
however shall be invited for tenders up to Rs 200 crore or such limit as may be
prescribed by the Department of Expenditure from time to time. Provided that
for tenders below such limit, in exceptional cases, where the Ministry or
Department feels that there are special reasons for GTE, it may record its
detailed justification and seek prior approval for relaxation to the above rule
from the Competent Authority specified by the Department of Expenditure.]
(Amended vide DoE OM
No. F.12/17/2019-PPD dated 15.05.2020.)
In order to promote wider participation
and ease of bidding, no cost of tender document may be charged for the tender
documents downloaded by the bidders.
Ordinarily, the minimum time to be allowed
for submission of bids should be three weeks from the date of publication of
the tender notice or availability of the bidding document for sale, whichever
is later. Where the Department also contemplates obtaining bids from abroad,
the minimum period should be kept as four weeks for both domestic and foreign