Leave Travel Concession (LTC)

Leave Travel Concession (LTC) is a financial benefit provided by Central Government to their employees on travel during their leave period to encourage employees to take a break from work and spend quality time with their family. LTC rules are governed by CCS (LTC) Rule-1988 : For Central Government Employees and their Facmily Members (dependent on employee) .


(i) Civil services posts and civilian posts in the Defence Services (Union); (ii) Deputation with the Central Government; (iii) Contractual employees; (iv) Re-employed after their retirement.

One year of countinuous service on the date of journey


(a) Servants not in whole-time employment/ Casual or Daily rated employees; (b) Railways employees; (c) Members of the Armed Forces; (d) Persons paid from contingencies; etc


Three Home Town* and one All India LTC in block of four years.

*Servants may avail LTC for visiting NER, J&K, and A&N only (not any place of India) against conversion of their One Home Town LTC.


Only one Home Town* and one All India LTC in block of four years.

*Servants may avail LTC for visiting NER, J&K, and A&N against conversion of their one Home Town LTC.

* Up to 90% of the fare (both outward and return journey) can be taken as advance.
* Advance can be taken (time-limit):-
    In case of mode of journey by train- Up to 125 days before of proposed journey
    For all other modes viz. road/air/sea- Up to 65 days before of proposed journey

Claims should be settled:
    If advance taken: Within one month of completion of Journey.
    If advance not taken: Within three months of completion of Journey

Air Travel


Level (7th CPC)

Class (air travel)

9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 13-A

Economy Class

14, 15, 16, 17, 18

Business/ Club


For All other Levels (1-8)

Employees are only eligible to visit NER, J&K and A&N*


Between Kolkata/ Guwahati to any place of NER:- Air Fare

HQ to Kolkata/Guwahati: As per entitlement like entitled rail fare

For A&N

Between Kolkata/Chennai/Visakhapatnam and Port Blair:- Air Fare

HQ to Kolkata/Chennai/Visakhapatnam:- As per entitlement like entitled rail fare

For J&K

Between Amritsar/Delhi to any place in J&K/Ladakh :- Air Fare

HQ to Amritsar/Delhi:-As per entitlement like entitled rail fare


Air Tickets shall be purchased from three Authorized Travel Agents: -

(i)               M/s Balmer Lawrie & Company Limited (BLCL)

(ii)              M/s Ashok Travels & Tours (ATT)

(iii)            Indian Railway Catering & Tourism Corporation Ltd. (IRCTC)



Detailed LTC Rules (1988) https://www.gfr.co.in/p/ltc-rules-1988.html